We offer a diverse range of services and are trained experts in the following areas.

Municipal Engineering +

We solve engineering challenges facing our communities.

- Public Bidding
- Contract Agreements
- Construction Estimates
- Project Funding
- Grant Assistance
Feasibility Reports and Capital Improvement Planning
Master Utility Plans and GIS Mapping Services, Preliminary Planning and Cost Projections
Detailed Civil Engineering Plans and Project Specifications
Annual Capital Improvement Plans
Infrastructure Management, Life Cycle Evaluation and Maintenance Planning
Pavement Evaluation and Condition Rating, Minor and Major Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Waterline Distribution Studies, Rehabilitation and Operation/Maintenance
Storm Sewer System Collection
- Studies
- Capacity Evaluation/Planning
- Rehabilitation
- Operation/Maintenance
Stormwater Management, Modeling and Flood Plain Studies
Flood Plain Management, FEMA LOMAR, LOMA and Elevation Certificates
MS4 Program Management
- Annual Report
- SWPPP Review
- Site Inspections for NPDES Phase 2
- Geotechnical Studies
- Slope Evaluation/Repair
- Retaining Wall Design
Local, State and Federal Agency Environmental Permitting, Coordination and Approvals
Construction Supervision and Project Management

Parks & Recreation +

We create and revise park land to maximize its enjoyment for all who use the park and its facilities.

Park Facility and Trail System Master Planning and Feasibility Studies for Future Expansion
Recreation and Sports Facilities
Interactive Trail Systems combined with Greenway Preserves and Natural Area Planning with Waterfront Access to Improvements
Long-Term Construction and Post-construction of MS4 Recreational Facilities
Master Site Plan and Design for:
- Pavilions
- Restroom
- Trails
- Kitchen Facilities

Stormwater Management & Green Infrastructure +

We provide thoughtful and cost-effective approaches to managing stormwater. We plan environments that protect, restore and mimic the natural cycle of water.

Drainage Studies and Master Drainage Plans
Stormwater Modeling
Retention and Detention Facility Design
Low-Impact Development Design
Previous Pavement Design
Streambank Stabilization
Stream and Wetland Mitigation
Flood Plain Management, FEMA LOMAR, LOMA and Elevation Certificates
Bioretention/Detention Facility Design
Rain Gardens
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

Subdivision Planning +

We provide systematic, cost-effective planning for the development of unimproved land into well-designed living and working communities.

- Contract Agreements
- Project Bidding
- Preliminary Plans and Cost Estimates
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Subdivision Planning
Initial Concept Development
Detailed Engineering Plans and Specs
Stormwater Management and Post-construction Water Quality
Stormwater Pollution & Prevention Plans
Construction Supervision

Site Development +

We strategically integrate civil engineering with architectural schemes to deliver maximum land usage of a site.

Receive maximum land usage benefits through efficient design of:
- Total Site Configuration
- Onsite Utility Systems
- Stormwater Management and Post-Construction Water Quality
- Sub-grade Stabilization and Drainage
- Structurally Adequate Paving Sections and Specifications

Rehabilitation of Existing Improvements +

We provide improvements to existing systems by customizing cost-effective solutions to parking lots, roadways and drainage system failures.

- Project Bidding
- Contract Agreements
Analysis of Existing Conditions
Solution Alternatives and Cost Estimates
Construction Supervision
Detailed Planning and Specifications to Rehabilitate through integration of:
- Sub-grade Drainage and Stabilization
- Engineered Paving Fabrics and Geotextiles
- Joint Rehabilitation
- Asphalt Overlays/Recycling
- Surface Treatments and Maintenance

Land Surveying +

Our experienced field crew and registered surveyors provide detailed and precise land surveys tailored to client needs.

Aerial Mapping
Establishing Right of Way and Centerline Control
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
Deed Research
Boundary Surveys
Legal Descriptions
Easement Preparations
Plats, Subdivision, Dedication, Vacation, Lot Split and Lot Consolidation Surveys
Construction Staking
Machine Control Cards
GPS Services
Location, Topographical, Architectural and Existing Condition Surveys
Sonar and Under Water Topography